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Holistic Health Services


What Comes to Mind When You Think of Well-Being?

“Our bodies are our gardens…our wills are our gardeners.” — William Shakespeare


Let’s begin your healing journey today by daily implementing "wellness rooted in wholesome nourishment" for both mind & body!

Schedule your initial session below!

Fresh Start Consultation | 30 minutes

30-minute holistic health consultation. Meet one-on-one with your personal Holistic Nutritionist & Wellness Consultant. Address your health and nutritional concerns, questions, and goals. Includes lifestyle and diet evaluation, to give you a fresh start to your health and wellness journey.

Fridge & Pantry Organization | 60 minutes

Are you ready to ditch those toxic ingredients but aren’t sure where to start? This virtual in-home service will educate you on what foods to use and what to remove from your fridge and pantry. Organization and meal planning go hand in hand. Learn how to plan according to your lifestyle and stress less over “what’s for dinner?!” Add this on to any service and save 20%.

Refresh & Renew | 60 minutes

60-minute follow-up after your Fresh Start. This session incorporates diet, lifestyle and health reassessment to review your health regimen and wellness goals. Meal planning, supplementation recommendation, exercise plan, and stress reducing techniques included. Recommended 2-4 weeks after the Fresh Start consultation.


Tune Up | 90 minutes

Regular follow-up consultation. Life is busy and time is limited, but keeping our minds and bodies in tune is essential to wellness. Book a Tune Up every 3 months to promote harmony between your mind and body. Stay on track with a holistic health and lifestyle check-in!

Mini Transformation | 60 minutes

Comprehensive diet and lifestyle assessment, including a Fresh Start and Refresh and Renew consultation with the choice of a virtual guided grocery tour or fridge and pantry raid, and supplement review.

Total Transformation | 90 minutes

Comprehensive diet and lifestyle assessment, with an in-depth consultation in addition to a Fresh Start consultation. This session includes a 60-minute guided grocery tour, 60-minute fridge and pantry raid, supplement review, and a 90-minute Tune Up.


Juice Cleanse Consultation | Select Packages

Ready for a reset? Refresh and rejuvenate with a 20 minute juice cleanse consultation. Nourish your mind and body through incorporating high quality nutrients and enzymes into your diet, naturally ridding the body of toxins, while promoting optimal absorption! Juice cleansing gives your digestive system a break, while absorbing highly alkaline, nutritious, fresh pressed juices. Receive freshly made organic juices, delivered to your door from Pittsburgh Juice Company. A juice cleanse protocol will be advised through your consultation, in addition to guidance and text messaging support as you cleanse and nourish your cells! Click here to schedule your juice cleanse consultation today to receive 10% off of your juice cleanse package and see which cleanse fits you best!

Family Wellness Package | Customizable 6 Week Wellness Package

Create your family blueprint by becoming more mindful, through learning how to incorporate healthy living approaches to support sustainable wellness.

The Family Wellness Package implements and incorporates simple, everyday wellness practices for the whole family. This is a fun 6 week course of nutritional education, weekly meal planning, healthy snack options, and simple ways to make meaningful connections, allowing each individual to be more mindful & in tune with their overall wellness. Schedule today and begin incorporating simple practices for wellness rooted in wholesome nourishment for mind and body!

Motherhood Wellness Package | Customizable 6-8 Week Wellness Package

Motherhood is a personal journey. At times, mothering may feel lonely. The Motherhood Wellness Package is designed for Moms, and Moms-to-be, regardless of where you are in your stage of mothering. In this 6-8 week program, you will receive personalized attention, tailored to your specific needs. One-on-one sessions are virtual, allowing you to receive support from the convenience of your home. Begin learning simple ways to incorporate nourishment for mind & body.

Services included in the Motherhood Wellness Package are: Pre/Postnatal Nutrition; Wholesome Nourishment for Mind & Body; Mindful Eating; Simple Meal Planning & Grocery Lists; Homeopathic Remedies; Sleep Support; Daily Movement; and Weekly Sessions.

Remember, Mothers need nurturing, too! It's time to take care of you.


Healing is defined as, “to become whole” or “sound,” along with terms such as “mend” and “get well.” To heal, get well, and become whole, it is essential to look at the root cause of disease, giving consideration to the interconnection of the mind & body, gaining self-awareness and self-acceptance of oneself.

Improved energy, balanced mood, and sustainable wellness practices are all rooted in regular renewing, and cleansing of the mind & body, at a cellular level, through limiting toxins in our water, air, and food. Incorporating nourishing wellness practices for mind & body, time in nature, and meaningful connection, allows healing to begin.